Designer interview tests: should designers write?
… if good designers write, could a written exercise be part of a designer’s recruitment process? Because, truthfully, if you can’t write, can you design?
Why Business Design is the Most Important Skill of the Future
The times of pure Design Thinking are over: Certainly, the last years have seen the rise of Design Thinking and similar processes (most lately design sprints) that help entrepreneurs and managers to create more user-centered products and services. They are great tools to spawn desirability in customers. Nevertheless, they often fall short in creating a sustainable business model. Business Design is the remedy to this problem.
Along those same lines…
Your Business Model Is Like A Yoghurt, And 7 Other Lessons From Alexander Osterwalder
Five Ad Creatives Share Their Treasured Finds
Tim Brunelle, Rosie Geozalian, Nitin Srivastava, Enrique Renta and Nellie Kim share their favorite resources.
Annals of Small Town Life: The Logo Stops Here
This essay was originally published in September 2006, when Jessica Helfand lived in Falls Village, CT. We urge you to read it again because the Connecticut Department of Transportation is considering scrapping the historic Herbert Matter “NH” logo and colors on all commuter trains as part of a rebranding effort. We urge you to contact CTDOT and/or your local state representative to express your opinion.
The Lesser-told Stories of the Women Who Shaped Herman Miller
Let’s try something new: a telling of Herman Miller’s graphics history through its notable women designers.
Chain Letters: Richard Ting
This interview is part of an ongoing Design Observer series, Chain Letters, in which we ask leading design minds a few burning questions—and so do their peers, for a year-long conversation about the state of the industry.
Also from Mr Ting:
The Atomization of Your Brand Experience
The media fragmentation train continues to roll on. While the desktop internet has evolved into mobile, mobile has evolved into social, social is now evolving into messenger apps, and technologies such as smartwatches, chatbots, and voice assistants are giving consumers even more touchpoints to connect with brands. For brands, it creates the challenge of representing itself beyond just a logo signifier or as just a single channel experience. At R/GA, our belief is that a brand shouldn’t be about just signifiers, but that your brand equals the experiences that you design, create, and connect together for consumers across all channels.
And a few thought pieces…
Everyone’s a copywriter. Right? I really like Clare.
Asshole Is Not Another Word for Creative Genius
Ernie is a genius, by the way.
Please don’t kill the blogs
An open note to Google from Seth Godin