Week links, #08


Big Idea Famine
Parse the title either way—I believe that 30 years from now people will look back at the beginning of our century and wonder what we were doing and thinking about big, hard, long-term problems, particularly those of basic research.

Do You Need To Be a Dick To Be a Successful Leader?

Reducing activities to their core misses the point
Replacing a hotel doorman with an automatic door ignores the doorman’s wider remit – and value to hotel and customers alike

Everything Is Timing

Blockchain: A technical primer

Originality Does Not Exist, We Should Aim For This Instead


The Strange Case of the Designer

The Good Room by Frank Chimero

Design evolves but the spirited discussion of news carries on

Design’s Lost Generation

Love the Design Work, Hate the Designer. How Much Do a Designer’s Morals Matter?
Can you separate great design work from a morally objectionable designer?

Let’s Build a Better Brand Identity


Bob Greenberg Explains Why Connected Spaces Are the Future of Communication
The founder of R/GA has built the company into far more than just an advertising agency. Now, he’s pushing the boundaries of internet-enabled architecture.

Is Advertising Art?

Back to the future: Rebundling and speed are the new reality for agencies
It’s time to end the agency refrain “we are the experts.” Expertise is a trap, because it’s a notion set in the past.


Be Different
Easier said than done, but vital for getting noticed.
In an ocean of same old same old, The Blogfather gives you a few pointers on how to create stand out, before giving the banks both barrels.

As a follow-up to the link at the top of the page, a natural way to conclude this week’s links: The Measure of a Man.