A Designer’s Guide to Getting Shit Done
How I personally stay productive as a designer and entrepreneur
Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule
Most powerful people are on the manager’s schedule. It’s the schedule of command. But there’s another way of using time that’s common among people who make things, like programmers and writers. They generally prefer to use time in units of half a day at least. You can’t write or program well in units of an hour. That’s barely enough time to get started.
Time Management Tips of Insanely Busy People
When I optimize and manage my schedule properly, everything falls in line. My days are easier, I’m more organized, and I’m happier.
Productivity Tips To Help You Get More Sh!t Done
Many times people just tell you to work harder, to put in longer hours, and that’s how you get more stuff done. The problem with this mentality is that you’ll forever be competing with other people who just work longer hours, but there are only 24 hours in a day.
4 things that will make you more motivated, happy, and creative at work
Harvard’s Teresa Amabile gave office workers something very simple: diaries. Then she reviewed their ups and downs and drew connections. What she learned was extraordinary.
Silent Spaces = Creative Results
Today is about the power of silent spaces. I guarantee if I had my social media apps open or if I was watching something on a screen or even listening to music, I likely would not have came up with such a brilliant idea in such a focused period of time.
THIS SHOULD BE an officially labeled time of the year. I suggest we call it Maker Time—it’s that time after kids get out of school, but before all of the holiday festivities begin. This is the perfect time for kids (and adults) to make something. This is what I tell my own children (I probably heard it from someone else).
The Joy and Pain of Writing
It’s been said that writing forces clarity. Maybe that is true, but it also causes countless aspiring wordsmiths to want to punch a hole in their computer screen as well.
Effortless copywriting (and why it takes sooooo much effort to get it right)
Why do people fancy Ryan Gosling? Apart from his impeccable suits, flawlessly rumpled hair and eyes that make your leg bones feel like chewed ham, what is it?
The End of Mass Marketing: Go Small, or Go Home
Once upon a time… business success was based on providing a narrow segment of consumers with a narrow segment of products, uniquely suited to their needs, sourced and advertised locally, and sold at a local store.
Take the Time to Use Fewer Words
If a user experience needs an explanation, something is fundamentally broken. Consider redesigning the experience until people no longer need it explained to them.
What to Expect from Advertising in 2018
Four qualities to look for in a media thinker
Great media thinkers must be multi-dimensional. They must be able to both understand the rules and create the conditions necessary for creativity to have impact. Colleen Leddy, Droga5’s head of communications strategy and WARC Media Awards judge, outlines the four qualities needed in media thinkers.
No Clients, No Limits, No Deadlines—Welcome to the Hell of Redesigning Your Own Website
You will make mistakes. You may waste time, and you may waste money. And you’ll probably argue over quite a few things that don’t really matter all that much.
This is what 500 years of graphic design in print looks like
A new book from Phaidon chronicles the history of printed imagery
Why big brands are increasingly putting small agencies on their radar
Straight out of portfolio school, I went to a 30-person shop in Atlanta, GA and fell in love with advertising. The agency where I worked has since been sold, but at the time, it was amazing. We won tons of awards, did lots of great work and had a great time doing it. But because I was young and naive, I felt like I needed to move on. And so I did…too soon; moving all around the country to work at bigger shops on bigger brands. And I fell out of love with advertising.
Why Designers Need to Start Thinking About Blockchain
Blockchain. You’ve heard the word. Perhaps you’ve invested in a digital currency or two. But do you really know what the technology is and why it matters? It all sounds deeply technical—and it is. But it’s important to understand this new tool, as it will have a big impact on our lives—radically altering how we live, work, and play.
Revolutionize Your Page: Real Art Direction on the Web by Jen Simmons—An Event Apart video