Last week I shared a link to an article about Elaine Lustig Cohen and quipped about going into a little more depth about her husband, Alvin Lustig. You can find great info about him all over the web, but here’s a little known fact:
Lustig and I are connected.
Here’s how:
Lustig was a prolific, albeit short-lived, modernist who also happened to teach at what became Art Center in Los Angeles.
His N+1 was none other than Frank Lloyd Wright, whom he studied with at Taliesin West in Arizona until he got fed up with Wright and left.
One of Lustig’s students was Lou Danziger, who became a long-standing fixture on the West Coast design scene and later an AIGA medalist. He also taught.
Frank Cheatham, who I studied under at Texas Tech, was one of Lou’s students. Frank had great stories about going over the Lou’s studio.
That’s my backstory. It’s starting to make me feel bad that I haven’t taken up teaching yet.