
A mixed bag of links to share this week, starting off with a favorite piece of music:

Simon Sinek Explains What Almost Every Leader Gets Wrong

With a daughter considering studying architecture in college, Where Are All the Female Architects? resonated with me.

No matter what stage you are at in your career, Weighing the Risk: What’s the Cost of Not Making a Life-Changing Career Choice? offers some good food for thought.

I don’t know a single person who focuses their attention on just one thing. Marketers need to be polymaths: the modern-day marketing challenges confirms my findings.

Perhaps the single most important thing you will read this week is The Scientific Case for Eating Bread.

Promise yourself you will read Living up to Your Brand Promise from my pals at R+M.

Design Debate: Should You Work In-House or Freelance? has been on my mind a lot lately.

HBR is right. In Set the Conditions for Anyone on Your Team to Be Creative anyone can be creative, givven the right culture.

Design leaders at Microsoft, Google, Ideo, Pentagram, Gensler, and more weigh in on The 9 big design trends of 2019.
Jim Steranko may be one of the greatest unsung influencers of the latter half of the twentieth century.

New logos, new typefaces and even new names abound.