Yesterday I was approached about doing a billboard. The company I work for does not promote the use of billboard advertising. I personally don’t believe in them either. Despite whatever Clear Channel or any of the other media company says, in my experience I have yet to see any kind of significant return on the purchase of billboard advertising. So, of course I declined the request.
But the guy persisted. He had to have a billboard. He had to get our name out there. “We’re dying in the field and this billboard is the only thing that will save us” was this guy’s stance.
If things are that dire then call it quits.
A billboard, or any other ad for that matter, will not save a business.
It’s easy to punt problems over to marketing departments and have them take a stab at solving a problem. What gets me is that when they ask for help, they are quick to offer up tactics but rarely tell what it is they are wanting to achieve. A billboard is a tactic, not a solution.
Solutions are hard to figure out. They require considered thought, and often, some time. Rarely does an innovative idea present itself under duress.
After some quick chatter with a colleague about the problem, we came up with a good solution:
Rather than make a huge investment in a billboard, how about cleaning out the local Krispy Kreme and driving around to a few customers’ locations and drop off some doughnuts. Don’t even try to sell anything, just let them know you’re available should they need you and have a nice day.
This solution that would save the company about $10,000. In the process it will create bigger impact on the business and perhaps some goodwill with our customers. But it requires work. And unfortunately, he will never do it. It’s easier to scratch your name on a P.O. and it is to rent some real estate for a couple of months.
Marketing can do many great things to help a business grow, but rarely is it the solution to a fundamental business issue.