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rantcliff - Ratcliff Creative


Random thoughts on curiosities, creativity, design, and the occasional rant.

The Time Machine

Like so many right now, I have spent an unusual amount of time sitting in on webinars covering a broad range of topics. Throw in my steady diet of podcasts and not only do you start to become a fountain of knowledge, but you also begin to spot trends. One

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Pick Two

More than a few years back, Lowell Williams became a partner at Pentagram and came back to his old stomping grounds in Houston to give a presentation about his experiences to the local AIGA chapter. He opened his presentation with an idea that has since stuck in my mind. How

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The Roller Coaster

About a year ago I had a big decision made for me. After a corporate reshuffling, I found I was no longer on the org chart. The dream of striking it out on my own had been lingering in the back of my mind for years, having regretted shutting down

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Seen & Noted

It was been a while since I last posted, but haven’t stopped studying and learning. Here are a few interesting articles from the past week: In praise of the pencil Castles in the Sky: Studio Ghibli on Netflix The Lives of Ives by Steven Heller Your Logo Isn’t Your Brand.

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Good Advertising and Other Sh*t

So other day I am walking down a bike path that cuts through our neighborhood out here west of Houston. I look down just in time to see a small, cylindrical, earthy colored tube. A little less delicately put, it appeared a doogie had performed its morning constitution on the

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Seen & Noted

How Design Thinking and Employee Experience go hand in hand Create an environment in which people want to work Is political correctness to blame for the dearth of great advertising? Avoiding the Standardization of Imagination Why the Creative Digital Consultancy Is the Ad Agency of the Future A new model

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High Touch Over High Tech

Long Tail marketing refers to the strategy of targeting a large number of niche markets with a product or service. It’s mainly used by businesses that are dominated by a huge market leader. Facing a battle to grow, a company can shift their focus to multiple niche markets that have less

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Words from the Wise

“The life of a designer is a life of fight: fight against the ugliness. Just like a doctor fights against disease. For us, the visual disease is what we have around, and what we try to do is to cure it somehow, with design.” Massimo Vignelli

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Seen & Noted

Managing Yourself: How to Calibrate Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses Smart self-assessment plus clearly defined requests for feedback can prevent imposter syndrome—and being caught off-guard by hidden weaknesses. The Moral Peril of Meritocracy Our individualistic culture inflames the ego and numbs the spirit. Failure teaches us who we are. What

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Two New Identities

A couple of new additions to the Identity oeuvre. Melissa Ratcliff Designs paints exquisite watercolors and makes fine art prints. Her business is taking off so she decided she needed a logo to start building her brand. How could I turn my wife down? The other logo will break this

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